Defying Gravity

(16,820 Words)

this is a brief excerpt:


Adam Berg held the flyer tightly in his hand and read over it one more time. He knew persuading Naomi would take some doing but what other choice did he have?

The marriage had been in trouble for a while and something needed to give or else it was doomed and soon. As a research scientist at the University in town, Adam had tried everything reasonable, studied, proven and purported by all kinds of sources known to humankind to get their love back on track. He had read all the books. Seen all the referred therapists. Now, it was simply time to try something new. To magically defy the gravity of the situation.

Naomi Berg entered the house through the kitchen door carrying groceries. Setting them down on the kitchen island, she tossed her keys into the catch-all basket on the junk table next to the refrigerator.

“Phew! What a day,” she said.

Catching sight of Adam standing in the living room with the piece of paper in his hand, she yelled out to him.

“What’s that? Finally serving me with those divorce papers, huh,” she said sarcastically. She sauntered into the living room as Adam turned to face her more squarely.

“Very funny,” he said. “In fact, it’s a flyer about a retreat I thought we could try. One that I suggested last year . . . that you said no to then. But I thought you might reconsider?”

She took the piece of paper from his hand and read the first line out loud.

. . .

© 2020, Mary Corbin

Defying Gravity is from the “Geometry” collection due for future publication. Featured artwork: “Defying Gravity” – painting by Mary Corbin. No reprints without permission.

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